im on other side of planet but anyway i would for sure ad those (if ever possible):
- netles (great source of minerals also good as starter fertilizer for young vegetables). if you dont have them around you can transplant piece of soil with
roots and put in shady place in garden, not near vegetables because it spreads slowly...
- nasturtium (tropaeolum maius) good pest repellant
- tobacco also
- horseradish (good vitamin source also best way to preserve food is with smashed horseradish roots, reppels some pests)
- basillycum, lemon grass, mint, origano and other spices
for vines i guess grapes would be good, just try to pick right sort, theres hundreds of them, depending do you want to eat them, make vine or something else. in mediterranean region theres wild asparagus growing, im eating lots of it if i can find in march and april, doesnt need any maintenace if climate is suitable....