Proenneke Day
Fun Fact:
Richard Louis Proenneke was an American self-educated naturalist, conservationist, writer, and wildlife photographer who, from the age of about 51, lived alone for nearly thirty years in the mountains of Alaska in a log cabin that he constructed by hand near the shore of Twin Lakes.
- small roundwood projects all with hand tools
o coat hooks (cut forked branch style)
o coat hooks (dry pegs in green half-round of wood)
o a kitchen chair (probably pretty big and blocky)
o repair projects
o sawbuck
Dez (as always!!!)
…… grateful for proenekke day! (Aka (dick’s sticks” day).. We made things with roundwood and human powered hand tools only!.. also some bread STICKS!
There you have it. Check out the other Half-Assed Holidays here
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