In The Permaculture Kitchen I aim to help you develop a flexible and intuitive way to cook. The method starts with the ingredients and time that you have to hand and couples those with some foundation principles and basic techniques. The recipes are there to illustrate the principles and techniques. You’ll see that I give you ideas for variations of flavours, ingredients and methods. I also give you suggestions for how leftover meals can be used to save you time and energy. In fact, I encourage you to make more than you may need for one meal. This helps you to get some cooking in reserve to save time for when you’re pressed later.
With The Permaculture Kitchen I help you get connected to the ebb and flow of the seasons, your local climate and weather: more so if you grow or produce your own food. Even if you don’t grow your own, you’ll have a connection to the providers of your food and their experience of these natural cycles.
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What is a Mother Tree ?
Outdoor and Ecological articles (sporadic Mondays) at and my main site is found at
He baked a muffin that stole my car! And this tiny ad:
Freaky Cheap Heat - 2 hour movie - HD streaming