Years ago I had an idea on how somebody could make a billion dollars. I shared the idea with a few friends who ended up not implementing it. So then I shared it in the private forum of the staff at JavaRanch. No takers. So then I heard about something similar that was already implemented, tried it and it sucked. So then I moved my idea to a public forum and learned about is a little different from my idea, but, at the same time, very close.
Here is the thread I wrote about plumnickel.
Suppose I have ten bucks in nickels. That's 200 nickels. And I go around the web and read all sorts of stuff. A few pages are great, but most are shit. For each of the few that are great, I toss a nickel. I don't care if they ask for the nickel or not. Nor do I care if they have the ability to receive this nickel. Over a year I think I would be hard pressed to use up all 200 nickels. Ten bucks a year.
I spend a HUGE portion of my day, every day, deleting spam, telling people to stop being mean, and trying to come up with the words to help out in awkward situations.
At the same time, I see icky people getting filthy rich because of their ickiness. And I see good, decent people struggling to pay for their shithole. Good websites get neglected because the people running them never monetized. While shit sites run gobs of ads and keep going because of their dirty behavior.
I like the idea of a system that rewards those people that are good and decent and never ask for a ..... nickel. (Note, I am not one of these good and decent people - you will see that I do, indeed, have ads)
I've had friends direct me to stuff at a site called "hyperbole and a half" several times. And it has always been enjoyable. Recently I saw this one: This was part of a segment that said "Learn to tell the difference between dangerous mountain-people and not-as-dangerous mountain-people" and it explains how the guy on the left (in overalls) is slightly safer.
When I was done, I looked around to find an ad to click on. No ads. I looked for a paypal donate button. Nothing. I went to the FAQ and found out that the author doesn't want ads and doesn't want to beg for money. She sells shirts and mugs and stuff and they just seemed weak. I really don't need more stuff. And I really respect the no ads / no begging philosophy.
I had been intending to do more with the tiptheweb stuff for about six months. But this day was the day.
hyperboleandahalf now has some money whether she wants it or not. Maybe someday there will be $5000 there and she'll be in need of $5000 and pop out there.
More: Jocelyn was telling me about one of her favorite bloggers "The gluten free girl" (gfg). Apparently, gfg will stop posting at times because of nasty remarks from nasty people. And I thought: what if gfg had an ugly comment AND, for the same blog she received 200 nickels. 200 nickels is ten bucks, but more important than the ten bucks is that 200 people came and said "thumbs up - and not a shallow thumbs up, but actual cash." Would that make her feel better? It seems to me that content is often driven by the ugly people. And by "driven" I mean that a lot of times sensitive, creative people stop producing content as a reaction to the ugly people. I would like to see content driven by good people.
I want all of you to, at the very least, visit the tiptheweb homepage. --- get an idea of what they are doing. I think that this is one tool that can make a big difference in making the world a better place. Put in a dollar and go give out 20 nickels over the next month.