Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
Hugo Morvan wrote:Some apples have those holes in them the larvae of the codling moth produce. The plum curculio scars i see occasionaly, but the insect itself, with the long snout, i do not recall, fruit flies only in my kitchen. I would like to know what herbs would help against codling moth. If i get these bad apples i keep them aside and cut out the affected bit toss it on the compost heap, the rest of that apple goes into apple cider vinegar.
Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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Phil Stevens wrote:We plant peppermint pelargonium (geranium) under our apple and pear trees. It's got a really strong scent and is supposed to be despised by codling moth larvae, who need to get to the ground in order to pupate. The theory is that as they crawl down the trunk but won't venture into the fragrant zone, and end up dying on a branch.
It's hard for me to assess how effective this has been in our orchard because even if we eliminated a breeding population the moths would fly in from neighbouring properties. However, this season there is definitely less damage that in previous years.
Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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Ken W Wilson wrote:I know of a couple of old apple trees in different locations that are uncared for and have very little damage. I wish I knew why insects don’t bother them. Is there just a healthy predator population or resistant trees? I’d like to think that the natural predators would have things under control eventually. Maybe it takes 30 years.
One is isolated and actually seems to be completely self pollinating. They can’t find another pollen source, anyway. Very tasty apples. I need to get scions. Wonder if it’s too late for this year? I tried seeds last year, but they didn’t come up.
Has anyone tried the apple socks that you put on each apple? I can’t think what they’re really called. I will do a search.
Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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'What we do now echoes in eternity.' Marcus Aurelius
How Permies Works Dr. Redhawk's Epic Soil Series
Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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