I firmly believe that a good book is worth its weight in gold. I have taught myself nearly everything I know from reading
books and diy. Thus I am putting together a list of, what I believe, are essential cookbooks for people living with the
land. These first few are what I use now but will be added to substantially in the future as I discover more gems. I am currently collecting James Beard Foundation Award winning cookbooks and 18th century cookbooks. I will arrange the books into categories to help you find exactly what you need.
General Cooking
Maangchi's Real Korean Cooking by Maangchi
America's Cook Book by the New York Herald Tribune Home Institute
The Bread Baker's Apprentice by Peter Reinhart
Water Salt Yeast by Ken Porkish
Food Preservation and Convenience Food
Art of Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz
The Make-A-Mix Cookbook by Eliason, Harward, and Westover
Pre-1850 Cooking
Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy by Hannah Glasse 1805 edition reprint