I like this plant a lot!
It came in here with some plant exchange plants and stayed and has spread quite nicely around my blueberries, iris, lovage, echinacea, peach trees....everything in a long wide border of the front
Perennial plants seem to push up through it just fine but I don't think I would try to plant anything from seed there unless I pulled a good bit of it from the area...and then the bermuda grass would move in.
I'm planning to spread it further...not sure if it would get along with comfrey? And I think it wouldn't work well with strawberries as they are so low to the ground.
It's pretty as a ground cover, nice flowers, good smell and apparently, as you learned, good in a salad, dried and medicinally for several things.
The most important benefit for us is that it seems to hold it's own against bermuda grass and that alone would be
enough for me to let it roam where it wants.