$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I often encounter people who lament the high cost of food. Many of them believe that spending 10% of their income is outrageous. I checked some statistics and it turns out that the average person in Canada spends around 6% of total income on food and some of that is restaurant fare. So other than for those in very low income situations, food is not expensive. It's cheap.
For most of human kind's existence we put most of our labor into the acquisition of food. Now that our money goes into cell phones,credit debt, haircuts, cars, rent and mortgages, many people choose to spend freely on other things while skimping on food. It's a priority thing.
Those people will not be my target market. I plan to produce plenty of food, but nothing cheap. I can't begin to fill the whole market in my area so it makes no sense for me to grow low
profit items. I'll produce
enough cabbage and potatoes etc. for personal use but I'm not too worried if I don't have enough of that stuff for everyone. Below are a list of fairly expensive items which I hope to produce in quantity.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I commonly hear people complain that one huge disadvantage to living on this island is that we get screwed by the grocery store. As I remember the song it went, "you've got to accentuate the positive"...
A trip to the fish market the other day was quite enlightening. They
sell Tilapia for $30 per kilogram which is about $14 per pound. This stuff is not organic and it is shipped from thousands of miles away. It's conceivable that I can charge more than this.
Organically raised
chicken can sell for six dollars per lb. It's about the same for turkey and duck is even more expensive.
Jerusalem artichokes sell for seven dollars per pound at my
local supermarket. Again, they're not organic. Then there are organic things like sweet potatoes, melons, berries... that bring a nice hefty price. Our entire industrialized farming complex is devoted to producing run of the mill cheap product. So it only makes sense that I differentiate myself in the market not only by producing organically but also by producing expensive crops which are not readily available elsewhere. In discussing this with my niece she thought it only appropriate that I produce things which everyone can afford. But it's not my job to
feed the world. I'm only willing to feed those who are willing to compensate me handsomely.
High food prices are only a problem if you haven't figured out how to feed yourself. I will gladly demonstrate how it's done to anyone who visits. But then I'll empty their wallets into mine.
Thank you: Dale Hodgins, "the greedy curmudgeon."--------- Yes, this is very permaculturey because I plan to give away all of the money,
honestly. On my 200th birthday.