The easiest way to get rid of moths is prevention and isolation. Probably the best prevention is to use the woollens as frequently as possible and expose them to sunlight for a few hours at least once a week.
As for isolation, this time of year, I give my woollens a wash (or time outside in the sun if they are too large to wash like a rug) and dry them in the sun. Cloth moths hate the sun! When completely dry, I package them up in small batches in insect-proof packaging (like a vacuum pack) until the winter. If I'm storing them for more than a few months, I use a mixture of 1 part borax, 9 parts
diatomaceous earth and sprinkle liberally on the cloth before putting them in a moth-proof bag. Borax is a biocide and some sources suggest it is toxic if enough of it comes in contact with humans over time, so I make sure to wash the wool cloth when it comes out of storage before it is used.
Borax will discourage moths, but in my experiments, it only kills 80% of the bugs, leaving the next generation resistant to borax.
In my experiments, diatomaceous earth killed 100% of the bugs that it came in contact with, but it needed to come in contact with them and moth 'worms' are tricky buggers as they create a cocoon house they live in while eating.