There's some good information here for
books, and I imagine the needs of cardboard would be the same:
One trick I used to use when I collected old books was to seal larger books book up in an airtight plastic box with plain unscented clay cat litter for a couple of weeks, so the cat litter absorbed the moisture and odor. A larger scale version of the baking soda method mentioned in the article. Then once the mold was dry, it could be brushed off using a soft brush like a paintbrush or a blusher brush.
The problem with mold and paper products is that the mold will almost certainly recur if the items are exposed to damp or high humidity again. It's almost impossible to kill the spores on paper. Some sources say sealing the item in a plastic bag and freezing it will kill mold spores, but others say no. My
experience was that freezing would kill the active mold so it could be brushed off, but the spores remained, meaning the mold might come back.