Steven Smallwood wrote:Creating this post to see if there are any people out there who eat only raw vegan food, like the 80/10/10 diet, or another variation. Green smoothies, sprouts, nuts seeds, lots of fruit, big salads, etc. I am interested to know where you live, what kind of crops you grow, how you do in the winter, if you use greenhouses-- basically anything! I am not developing my property yet, but I will be beginning summer of 2012. Seems a slim chance, but please respond if you are raw!
I am a raw 80/10/10 since 10/28/2011. I was barely ambulatory with osteoarthritis in hips, knees, and ankles with a prediabetic condition and "iffy" blood cholesterol for at least 20-30 years. I was also 205 pounds with the highest point at 235 on a 5'1" height. I started solely on fruit/veg freshly juiced until the beginning of 2012 when I read lots of
books and set myself solely on the 80/10/10 diet that Dr. Graham writes about. I also quit all wheat, even whole wheat, after reading the book, "Wheat Belly" where more than indigestion is discussed including wheat's ability to cross the blood brain barrier and dock at the same places that hard drugs prefer to get us high. Wheat also has a higher glycemic level than white sugar. In about January or February I switched to fruitarian with vegetables. I live in Central Texas bordering the desert. I am able to grow greens year round as well as other vegetables in the non-freezing growing times. One year the weather was frozen for 24 hours for 7 days. I had lots of winter plants like kale and swiss chard. It looked like they were all dead. However, I pulled off the dead leaves and found a green core and the plants resumed their growth. As an experiment, I left one of them covered with the dead leaves--it never regenerated. So I learned to always check the core of a plant before deciding it was dead. Apparently sunlight is the main survival factor.
At any rate, I am now 128 pounds, just 8 pounds short of my goal. I buy a case of bananas and that lasts me about 9 days. I also have laid in a supply of peeled frozen bananas in case of need. I use the frozen bananas in smoothies, usually for breakfast with greens from my garden. This year late summer had just about everything dead except for the weeds. The garden plants were stressed by the heat in the 100+ deg F. The weeds didn't seem to notice so I made my banana-based smoothies with pigweed (an amaranth), lamb's quarters, or purslane. I also used dill because it thinks it is a weed! There were strange new insects this year including Mexican General grasshoppers and a silver-type beetle that wiped out the swiss chard unless I spent several hours a day squashing them. They got almost all of my swiss chard, which normally grows year-round, even in the heat, with no problems. We definitely are in a changing environment with the heat.
Now I have normal blood sugars and I am no longer prediabetic and my blood chemistries are completely normal. I eat only raw fruit/vegies except for one meal a day of cooked beans. I just love beans and due to my old age, 68, I figure I can allow myself a little leeway to desire. Beans have good nutrition as well, even cooked. I also tell myself I can't afford the needed calories from fruit until I produce more of my own.
I no longer have any osteoarthritis and from barely walking I stride! I work all day on my huge growing area with hand tools. I will be building lots of
hugelkultur on top of solid bedrock. I found that most of this growing area I have is highly mineralized, heavy clay soil, seemingly 25% soil and 75% rock. The soil holds water very well. I thought it was the clay content, but I am beginning to believe it is the solid bedrock that is holding the soil moisture. The bedrock is mostly covered with at least 2 to 4 inches and very deep in other places, as much as 4 feet deep.
This year with a nice rainfall at the right time and watering the tree with all my dishwater I had a huge crop of figs. So I intend to plant lots of fig trees for the calories that this way of eating needs. It has taken that fig tree 5 years to get this productive with being set back a few times to nothing from freezing. It always recovers. I am interested to see this year if it will freeze back to nothing or have evolved enough to adjust to this climate zone. Perhaps it is the USDA's plant hardiness zone changed to 8A. It is growing out of my reaching height--it is at least 10 feet tall now. I don't know whether to cut off the top or leave that for the birds. All suggestions are appreciated.
I am so glad to find other vegans here. I don't have much in common with traditional in that only 10% of my daily calories comes from fat. I am sticking to that because I do believe fat is the enemy--any kind of fat, especially extracted oils or fats, whether animal, fruit, grain, or vegetable. I don't really miss the fat--I miss the salt the most as salting is not recommended and I know the ratio between potassium and sodium is important. I cannot understand where sodium comes from in this mindset. I cheat with the beans even more by adding salt! Any information on the potassium/sodium ratio in diet would also be appreciated.
What convinced me about the fat is the fact that medical science all agrees that fat starts coating the circulatory vessels eventually plugging it up completely and causing heart attacks or strokes. Dr. Graham points out that insulin is the helper to get the body's energy source, blood sugar, into the cell. With the vessel coated with fat, the insulin can't get through. The cell screams for nutrition, the brain thinks well it needs more insulin, and eventually the insulin-producing gland collapses. Hence we think insulin is the problem. The problem is the fat-lined arterial system. The cure is eliminating the fat in the arterial system, not only to prevent heart attacks or strokes but to prevent diabetes. It worked for me. I have so much energy now and I think more clearly and rapidly.
The fun part is when I go to the grocery store. The only aisles I frequent are the produce aisles and the dried bean aisles.