you know when weird foodies can wax poetic for half an hour about a legendary meal?
I'm that weird foodie and silkworms were one of those meals for me.
I was in Seoul, many years ago (before Seoul was fancy and clean, back when it was full of dark alleys and crumbling infrastructure)... I was on a quick trip to get my Japanese visa renewed, it was maybe October and freezing. I was tromping through the
city looking for papermaking supplies and starving and I smelled this amazing smell. I came upon this tiny old lady with a pushcart on the street, which had a wheel of fortune type thing. Spin the wheel, that's the price you pay.
I spoke no Korean but it was clear- I needed to eat what she was selling, whatever it was, and she was MOST amused that this very non-Korean was so excited to eat her food. She gave a "pshaw" and waved her hand at the wheel and pushed a cone of
newspaper full of something brown and crusty and heavenly-smelling into my hand. It was salty and crunchy and was seriously one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted. I was in hog heaven, she was hysterical, people were staring. I had little idea of what they were, because it wasn't clear. I thought maybe some kind of "sea bug", like sand crabs, but they weren't fishy. I've eaten some weird things and I wouldn't have cared if I knew they were silkworm pupas, but most people were a bit surprised.
I since found them in korean stores here and there on occasion, sometimes canned and sometimes frozen, but they were never even close to the taste I experienced. I've since learned they are supposed to be boiled but I think the ones I had were boiled and then roasted til they got dry, since I distinctly recall crunch. It was seriously a delicacy.