Not important. I am not sure of the internets stability.
Freedom of speech on this medium could vanish quite quick. Some of the resources we are used to could go very quickly if some of the laws that are in the works get passed. The deal with these laws is that they are drafted by big business to kill small time stuff. Big ag is already trying to make backyard gardens for food illegal. What do they think of sites like this? The word "terrorist" (some government computer is now paying attention to this
thread ) gets thrown around very easily against anyone who does not roll over and accept what big money tells them to.
Pictures are nice, but text is still king for useful information. I could go back to dial up on private systems like what I was used to before internet. I could give that up too. The internet is a different kind of grid. The connection can be made in more than one way. The internet grid we have now is much like the power grid, we subscribe to a large company and pay to consume a product. Unlike the power grid, it doesn't have to be that way... I can see as many as 7 wireless APs from my small
city house. what if instead of all being passworded and connected to a big wire, they were connected to each other, relaying information to nodes I can't see. If I can see 7 APs, then I am within signal reach of at least 7 clients (probably double that). what if all of them ran in ad hoc mode and talked to each other. If the internet was built like this, it would be hard to regulate. If there were
enough people who only hooked up to each other with this kind of net, it would be worth while for big internet business to hook into these networks and act as gateways over longer distances just to widen their customer base. Internet could be free... and free too.
On the other hand... In too many ways modern man has become like suckling pigs all lined up on a sow. TV, radio and now internet have distanced us from our next door neighbour. I think local community is very important and these long distance communication toys detract from it. I think the right kind of sun spot or an atomic explosion (or other disaster) that took out much of our electronics, while devastating to our current way of life, could be a good thing. Forcing us to meet people face to face we live beside.
Just my thoughts.