Yum!! I'll definitely be trying that next time my wife and I are smoking something on the grill, maybe meatloaf, which I'll share.
By pure chance, I discovered smoked meatloaf. My wife and I had planned for supper and made meatloaf which was in the fridge with all the ingredients getting to know each other. Meanwhile, that afternoon, we proceed to bake some other long term thing in the oven having forgotten about the meatloaf for supper. I proposed we grill it since the oven was in use, then I thought, man if I'm going to have the grill going, why not throw some hickory on there and smoke the meatloaf? So we took a small cookie cooling rack, wrapped foil over it, poked holes in the foil so fat could drain. We formed the raw meatloaf into some sort of oblong shape resembling a football and placed this on the foil. The meatloaf on its foiled cooling rack went on the grill with a
drip pan underneath it. This was off to the side of the fire, and with a thermometer probe inserted in the meatloaf, I did my best to keep feeding hickory chunks and maintain a temp of about 225. It only took a couple hours to cook, and it turned out to be the best meatloaf we've ever made, and have never baked a meatloaf in the oven since.