Hi Bethany;
I am apx 2.5 hrs east of you in western Montana , so its a little to far for me to be your builder.
If the open
cob S.W. style is not to your liking, then red clay bricks are a good alternate choice. They are also more mass.
Were you thinking of a J tube rocket or a batchbox rocket?
With the size of your home I think an 8" J tube or a 6" batch would be a good fit
I suggest looking a Matt Walker's designs. He has several that might be to your liking. Here is a link to his site
His tiny house stove with attached benches might be a good fit.
If you choose to go with a Walker design , Matt will supply you with a complete materials list and build instructions. As well as consultations as you build.
Matt is located in western Washington.
I do not know if he does this or not but it could be possible he might consider coming over to do a build.
When you need to purchase material, I suggest checking with White Block on Trent in Spokane. They stock fire clay @ $10 a 50# sack and fire brick split and full. As well as any standard masonry supplies needed. Home depot sells clay bricks or watch craigs list to find old brick.