Thanks for having me everyone.
If you want to get any of my
books, you can at - you can use the code PERMIES to get free shipping for the next two weeks on any order of two books or more. I think many of you would love my Winning the War on Weeds Book as well as The Elderberry Book and Frugal.
if you do get a copy of any of my books and enjoy, would you please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Good Reads, and similar places? It makes a world of difference for us authors!
Finally, I hope you all fall in love with, plant, and propagate elder. It once was far more common across the continental US than it is today -
fence line to
fence line corn and soy... then they tore out the fence lines... so that endless crap monocrop from Ohio to Colorado has significantly reduced the prevalence of this amazing and important plant.
If you are looking for hardwood cuttings (my preferred method to start new cultivars), Michael Brown is a great resource,
Here are some more historical images of interest and note going back into the 1600s. I plan to have a few
online courses all about the elder(berry) available by late Spring if that would be of interest.
With appreciation,