Thanks for posting such a complete plan for the experts here to look at! This really helps for those that can give you detailed advice.
My input is this: you're building your combustion chamber on a steel plate base covered with just under 2" of fire brick. While this will keep your wooden floor from turning into charcoal, you may find that just under 2" of fire brick on top of a steel plate will leak too much heat.
My own plan on a wooden floor had to be revised to include a metal plate....since I didn't have much overhead to raise the barrel, I used just a steel plate (know it would oxidize out) at the bottom of my J tube. What I found to my surprise is that my steel plate leaked too much heat and the top of my barrel temperature dropped 100F. while you're not burning directly on a steel plate, you may find your max temp would be different or higher if you used a thicker layer of insulating firebrick (yes, there is firebrick which is designed not to insulate but to transmit heat), on top of your steel plate.
...I maybe mistaken, Donkey has methods of checking this but he may not be interested in your particular design.
I make no comment on the rest of the design, I prefer the
rocket mass heater and tend to put blinders on when it comes to other designs the permies community hasn't tested. I would suggest you build your burn chamber outside and test it before mortaring it into place. You'll be able to make changes this way if you're not content with the highest temp. If you can't get your burn chamber to fire correctly, you can reconsider the base design too.
good luck!