posted 4 years ago
I tend to be crawling around on the ground for one reason or another and get a ton of bites. The best thing I ever did was "go pro" on my itch relief by getting a prescription for triamcinolone. It's a clear topical in a tube. Like hydrocortisone but 10x as strong. It works amazing well. Where I'd be applying hydrocortisone several times a day, triamcinolone is once a day. Strong stuff, use sparingly!
Takes a doctor to sign off, but this is an easy one you can do over the phone if that's an option for you. I just told the doctor that over-the-counter stuff wasn't working, I hate allergy pills, and wanted to try this specifically.
Prevention has never worked for anything but mosquito for me. The creepy crawlies always get through.
I don't own the plants, they own me.