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Stone Baerm Adventures

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David Baillie wrote:Hey Cam!
This looks like it will be a wonderful learning experience for you. Enjoy!
Cheers,  David

Hey David,

Good to hear from you! Hope all is well at your place and the building is still going well.
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Yup still going. The latest Covid lockdown has messed up the schedule with my partner and I having to juggle at home learning for the girls but life goes on. Feel free to drop me a line or two through here. I've more or less stopped contributing on the other sites...
Cheers,  David
Cam Haslehurst
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David Baillie wrote:Yup still going. The latest Covid lockdown has messed up the schedule with my partner and I having to juggle at home learning for the girls but life goes on. Feel free to drop me a line or two through here. I've more or less stopped contributing on the other sites...
Cheers,  David

Busy busy. Sure will do, it's good to see how things are going at your place. I know you're full of good advice for solar stuff when I do eventually get into that. I am putting most of my energy into this place too, as I think it's a good cause and they seem to like me so far lol. All the best!
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I'm curious about the fiddleheads.  Did you have them for supper? I have only tried them once with a bit of lemon juice and butter.  Did you enjoy them?
Cam Haslehurst
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Mary Ann Jones wrote:I'm curious about the fiddleheads.  Did you have them for supper? I have only tried them once with a bit of lemon juice and butter.  Did you enjoy them?

We sure did. They're seasonal, and they are all over the place right now. We have them as a side and they're great with some salt and pepper on them too. I haven't tried it yet but apparently vinegar is good on them.


So we rebuilt fence today. The current fence around the garden is about 20 years old, and is badly in need of replacing. It is at the point that if one of the goats decide to push it, they will be able to knock it over. Before I arrived here some posts were put into the ground. We're on bedrock here by the house, so getting the posts far into the ground is impossible with what's available. Instead, there are wooden forms that we're filling with limecrete to serve as supports. The forms are made from scrap pressure treated wood.

Mixing that stuff up is a forearm workout. Start with 3 or 6 scoops of lime mix, then scoop sand and stir until you reach a consistency similar to cake icing. Where if you pull the trowel through the mix it will leave a lasting imprint that doesn't immediately sink back in. Then carry the bucket over to the form, pour it in as best you can, scrape out the rest, then put some rocks and scrap chunks of concrete to take up extra space and to provide support. Then repeat until the form is all filled up! We got one form filled up today. My wrists are a little sore, but otherwise it was just a good workout. Especially carrying the full buckets of damp sand - that'll keep me in shape.

In non-fence news, I am continually getting better at goat milking. My right hand is getting good, now my left hand just needs to be trained. I had some wine tonight made from graoes grown on the property and it was excellent. Nice and sweet.
This was before the limecrete was mixed with one form complete
This was before the limecrete was mixed with one form complete
Later on with 3 forms and 1st partially filled
Later on with 3 forms and 1st partially filled
Mixing. This is in real time I have very strong forearms
Mixing. This is in real time I have very strong forearms
We hired a professional brick layer to put the bricks down
We hired a professional brick layer to put the bricks down
Covered up to cure in case we get rain
Covered up to cure in case we get rain
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Holy cow Cam.  You are going to look like Popeye when you get home. I remember seeing those trees when we dropped you off.  That fence is going to be nice and solid!
Lorianne Haslehurst
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I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out how to reply to individual posts.  I was really interested in the fiddleheads but couldn't find a "reply" spot.  They look yummy!
Cam Haslehurst
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Lorianne Haslehurst wrote:I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out how to reply to individual posts.  I was really interested in the fiddleheads but couldn't find a "reply" spot.  They look yummy!

They were very good! I'm guessing there's some up at the cottage if you guys are up there anytime soon. Or even on the trails around the house.

If you want to put my post in yours like I just did, just click the "Quote" button on any of my posts. It'll be on the right edge of the post with the +1 button, the -1 button and some other ones. Once you click it it'll open up a draft with my quote already there, then just type what you want to respond underneath.

Once you're in and typing you can click the Preview button to see if it all worked or not. I'll put pics in this post.


So I did work on the hugels today. Mike Barkley inspired me to give the two beds names, so I did. They are named Hugh and Gill.

We also did more work on the fence! More mixing, more bucket carrying, more rock dropping. And one more post is now complete. It is approved by one of the farm cats as you can see in the attached gif.

I think I am going to sleep in the RV tonight to shake things up a bit.

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Kitty approved fence work
Kitty approved fence work
Lorianne Haslehurst
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Cam Haslehurst wrote:

Lorianne Haslehurst wrote:I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out how to reply to individual posts.  I was really interested in the fiddleheads but couldn't find a "reply" spot.  They look yummy!

They were very good! I'm guessing there's some up at the cottage if you guys are up there anytime soon. Or even on the trails around the house.

If you want to put my post in yours like I just did, just click the "Quote" button on any of my posts. It'll be on the right edge of the post with the +1 button, the -1 button and some other ones. Once you click it it'll open up a draft with my quote already there, then just type what you want to respond underneath.

Once you're in and typing you can click the Preview button to see if it all worked or not. I'll put pics in this post.

Hi Cam,
I see what you mean about the "quote" button.  We will look for the fiddle heads.  I think they look like something I'd like to eat.


So I did work on the hugels today. Mike Barkley inspired me to give the two beds names, so I did. They are named Hugh and Gill.

We also did more work on the fence! More mixing, more bucket carrying, more rock dropping. And one more post is now complete. It is approved by one of the farm cats as you can see in the attached gif.

I think I am going to sleep in the RV tonight to shake things up a bit.

Cam Haslehurst
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Quick post today as I am very tired. We did some more fence building! And I added more large-ish pieces of wood to my hugel bed. I chose a bunch of different species and different stages of decomposition to get as much diversoty in there as I could. I'll put photos tomorrow night.
Cam Haslehurst
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Another mostly quiet day today as it was pouring rain on and off allll day. I got some cute pictures though. I forgot to post yesterday, but it was another quiet rainy day anyways. I did some scything and sickling (may or may not be real words), details at this link.

I also added a layer of straw on top of the wood in the hugel bed. This is so when I put ash and coffee grounds on they don't just fall through the cracks in between the wood.
Enjoy the photos!
[Thumbnail for IMG_20210511_103649_412.jpg]
Looking very majestic
Looking very majestic
Cam Haslehurst
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I missed a couple days but am here to catch up.

So the Hugh and Gill are getting more like hills by the day. I have sprinkled ash and coffee groundson them.  I've also chopped and dropped grass, mint and stinging nettle into them for the past couple days. I'm getting very good with that little sickle.

I cleaned up the sledge hammer head that is going to eventually serve as a bone crusher tool. Just used the wire wheel to get a bunch of the rust off. It's always so satisfying watch it all fly off leaving relatively shiny metal underneath.

Finally, the fence is coming along! We have one more full post then we are done a large section of it. I noticed this morning that my forearms are stronger. Stirring is not as hard as it was last week, and the mix of lime and sand hasn't changed much. So look at that!

[Thumbnail for before_compress62.jpg]
[Thumbnail for after_compress29.jpg]
[Thumbnail for chop-and-drop-ash_compress67.jpg]
[Thumbnail for fence-progress_compress20.jpg]
Lorianne Haslehurst
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Holy cow Cam the sledge hammer looks amazing!  It is crazy how excited I am to read more about gardening today.  I borrowed a book on mulch and a book on growing hardy perennials in cold climates from the library.  The mulch book is really good.  I've learned so many reasons why it is such a good idea to do.  Not just weed reduction and maintaining soil moisture but it also reduces plant stress producing plants that are less diseased. It also increases the worm population, and regulates the soil temperature (will not heat up too much on hot days or get to cold in cold snaps). I also looked up if I could use pistachio shells (as you know we have lots of them from Dad) and if I rinse them off, they are good to use.  They take forever to break down but due to their sharp nature, will repel slugs as they don't like to climb over them.
Cam Haslehurst
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Lorianne Haslehurst wrote:Holy cow Cam the sledge hammer looks amazing!  It is crazy how excited I am to read more about gardening today.  I borrowed a book on mulch and a book on growing hardy perennials in cold climates from the library.  The mulch book is really good.  I've learned so many reasons why it is such a good idea to do.  Not just weed reduction and maintaining soil moisture but it also reduces plant stress producing plants that are less diseased. It also increases the worm population, and regulates the soil temperature (will not heat up too much on hot days or get to cold in cold snaps). I also looked up if I could use pistachio shells (as you know we have lots of them from Dad) and if I rinse them off, they are good to use.  They take forever to break down but due to their sharp nature, will repel slugs as they don't like to climb over them.

Thanks all it takes is a little work with the wire wheel on the grinder! And very neat sounds like you're learning quite a bit. Something I read that I love here on permies is Redhawk's Soil Series. He knows his stuff and goes into depth about everything soil. Just for when you've got some off time. And good to hear dad can contriibute to the garden just by snacking 8)


So today I did some basic carpentry to get two more boxes up. We cut some scrap boards at 20", then I screwed 3 of them together into little table looking things. Then they were place around the post and the fourth side was added on. Tomorrow we will start filling them just like the rest.

I also got my first therapeutic massage today. Very nice. Instead of kneading and rolling it was a steady stretch, right where I'm tight (because of my minor scoliosis) and it felt great. No tension there right now like usual which is nice.

OH and I started to work on a handle yesterday. I'm probably not going to bring it to completion because of a crack in the wood, but it's great practice. There is something very calming about taking bark off and slowing carving the wood down with a drawknife. Definitely gonna get myself one of those for at home.
[Thumbnail for handle-practice.jpg]
Two boxes and posts up, now to fill them up
Two boxes and posts up, now to fill them up
Cam Haslehurst
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More fence building today. Lots and lots of stirring!

Afterwards I started on two roundwood projects: a mallet and a handle for a 3lb sledge. Both are looking pretty good so far. I'll upload more photos if I end up doing the BB for both.

Also, I milked over a quart of milk today! We didn't get photos this time around but that BB will be completed I just know it.
Been going at it with a drawknife, might use a hatchet if I can find one though
Been going at it with a drawknife, might use a hatchet if I can find one though
[Thumbnail for handle-in-progress.jpg]
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