wash with a strong soap like sunlight bar soap or liquid dish soap ... the sooner after exposure the better
then apply "spotted touch me not" juice
i get poison ivy bad... pretty much every year
as a kid when i got it bad i would go to the walk in clinic and they would prescribe a prednisone cream or if was really bad oral prednisone
well one day i reached a breaking point dealing with poison ivy on my groin on a holiday so it meant a trip to the hospital
they (while being paid all the while) made me tell my story to 4 or 5 different people separately and i am sure they were all laughing about it
i was then put in a room with 40 people all in need of medical attention more than me
its canada so those in the worst shape get priority
so i left and had to figure something out myself
i find if it is all over you.. you need to shower many times per day with strong soap for about a week
the itching is so bad you will want to scratch it right off to the point of bleeding and scalding
hot water feels "good"
i did find out that the plant "spotted touch me not" which tends to grow near poison ivy..
can help to stop the allergic reaction.. especially if applied as soon as possible after exposure (wash with detergent soap too)
i will warn however that when i used this on my forehead i did have some persistent bumps for about a year afterwards so i recommend not using it on youre face
it seems to me (complete subjecture here) the oils which youre body has encapsulated (ie rash) can then re emerge as the skin is worn down naturally and you may get a small rash
(which does not spread) without subsequent exposure
just my guess as to what is happening
also be sure to wash clothing that you were wearing and put it directly in the wash as not to spread the oils
either way i will still use the juice from the crushed stems of the spotted touch me not and first wash thoroughly with a strong soap
no wages earned or drugs sold.. and problem solved ... without ridicule