So the Northern boundary of Southern Illinois is vague and fuzzy. A lot of people consider I-64 to be the approximate line. A much more extreme boundary would be state highway 13, though that one is really only useful for describing where the
land turns from flat plains to hills that were never covered by a glacier. Really, I guess the boundary is about wherever you want it to be.
I do have one funny story about a Chicagoan view of Southern Illinois. My wife went to med school in Chicago and I taught high school in Southern Illinois (I lived in a tiny town called Cambria). As we were getting married soon, she was looking for movers to move her belongings down to my place (she did her residency nearby). She found a mover in the Chicago area that had decent rates but an odd policy—they would ship anywhere in Illinois but they wouldn’t ship to Indiana. My wife called the movers and told them where I lived and their response was “down south by Champaign.”
For those not familiar with Illinois geography (the movers weren’t), Champaign is decidedly in Central and definitely not Southern Illinois. They further went on to say that they could make the trip in about 2 hours. My wife explained that it took her nearly 6 to cover the same distance driving non-stop. They took the job anyway and agreed to meet me at my front door by 4:30 pm.
The day and time arrived and by some miracle the movers arrived right on time. The driver got out of the truck, hunched over, rubbing his sore backside and told me he could not believe that at hour 5, not only was he not at the destination, but he had another hour to go. Then came the big question/reveal—he asked if he could use my phone as his wife was in labor! Of
course I handed him the phone to him and then heard him explain that he just arrived and then apologized profusely. He had the truck unloaded in record time and was back on the road. I always wondered if he got back before his child was born.
The short version is that he had a vision of Illinois in his head that totally revolved around Chicago and could not comprehend just how far Southern Illinois is from Chicago.
I love telling this story.