Maybe it was a recalled batch or there was a complaint, meaning they are not legally allowed to distribute it for human consumption. It's great they didn't send it to the landfill, but it's a lot to deal with.
Random thoughts if it were my problem to solve:
1. Porridge for my breakfast, with Thompson raisins, cinnamon and demarrara sugar (see no weevil, hear no weevil, speak no weevil
2. Porridge for dog breakfasts; apparently it's good for them
3. Contact dog breeders, animal
shelters, horse rescue societies; maybe they can use some
4. Add some [non-pet] pigs to your menagerie, or make a deal with a pig farmer (or maybe somebody with a few head of
5. Alcohol can be brewed using oats
Compost if all else fails; I initially was going to suggest using it directly as a traction aid on ice or a top-dressing for a lawn/pasture, but I worry about the
mouse attractant factor
I wonder -- would meat
rabbits like oats?