Curtis Buchanon could become a very good friend of yours ;) He has a number of videos on YouTube detailing the construction of a couple of different chair designs. In the process, he introduces us to the tools, including the "tapered reamer" and explains its use and construction. If you like green woodworking, Curtis will help you ;) Peter Follansbee's blog might be useful to you as well, with a wide variety of insights into making useful things from
trees ;)
Paul Sellers on youtube has quite a number of videos that address making your own tools. I forget whether he deals with a tapered reamer or not. Pask makes has a couple of videos where he makes both a tapered reamer and a tapering plane. The tapering plane makes the male part of the tapered mortise and tenon joint, the reamer makes the female part.
Mike Abbott has a couple of
books on green
wood working and Mike is one of the leaders of the renaissance of this craft.
Peter Follansbee and J. Alexander have a book, "Make a Joint Stool from a Tree"
J. Alexander's book "Make a Chair from a Tree" is part of what set Follansbee on his career path as a green woodworker and researcher into 17th century furniture construction.
Roy Underhill - his PBS tv show The Woodwright's Shop", any or all of his books. If you're in Japan attending classes at Roy's North Carolina school might be difficult ;)
Building planes is almost its own subculture in woodworking ;) I think some people get obsessed with the making of them ;) Depending on whether or not you have metalworking capacity, there are quite a few woodworking tools that it's possible to build entirely yourself. Chisels, planes, axes, gouges, adzes - the metal work on any of them is within reach of a competent hobby metal worker. I would suggest that saws and drill bits are best left to professionals ;) The wood work on all of them - it's worth making your own tool handles for things like chisels, axes, hammers - it's woodworking practice, you'll get handles that fit Your hands and you'll feel both invested in and rewarded by the work ;)