So poking around on here finally prompted me to create a plan of the garden... North is the top left-hand corner of the diagram.
Incase my handwriting isn't readable in the image the labels are as follows, from top left corner of the boundary which is the Norther corner:
Elder, Meribel ? (an unknown small yellow plum), Apple ? (unknown small apple, probably a seedling from the ex apple tree nearby), Bamboo, Hazel
Rowan, Apple (V large tree with cooking apples that I can eat raw), with currant bushes under the
canopy, Plum, Almond ? (possibly but has never set fruit)
Quince (ornamental/flowering variety), Grapevines, Amelanchier, The other tree next to the Amelanchier is an unknown variety atm.
Fruit cage contains, Summer and autumn fruiting raspberries, Gooseberry, and red and black currants.
In the left-hand bed beneath the fruit cage, I am planning on adding an acid bed, I have three different blueberry plants (that got delivered today!) and I might be planting two of my mother's Camellia Sinensis plants. This bed is under the overhang of the coniferous hedge between my property and the next so will get lots of 'pine needles' added to it (and there is a lot of partly composted needles around the property that I can harvest to mulch the bed) Currently this bed has black plastic over it that the previous owner added and an infestation of
Rose of Sharon which will be interesting to remove.
The right-hand bed beneath the fruit cage is currently my annual veg bed but has been colonized in the top by the strawberries that jumped across the path from the fruit cage.
The little rectangles inside the beds are raised bed 'collars' that I added last year to add some better soil to the growing beds, the soil here is mostly just sand, and they currently have a selection of rather poorly looking swiss chard and kale plants that overwintered. Between the collars, I have Purple sprouting broccoli, which I harvested my first spear from today! :) and some rather sad-looking cabbages that don't appear to intend to head up at all...
The little rectangle above the fruit cage is the rather small hugel bed that we created last year that seems to be harbouring a large collection of grasses, but also has another currant bush, more swiss chard (probably the best looking in the garden), feverfew, lemon balm, oregano and more strawberries. I am planning to try weeding the grass out soon and the 'mulch' with
compost and red clover seeds to see if I can create a green mulch weed barrier which will help to keep the soil in place and will hopefully give me more of an opportunity to plant into it this year.
Although I have a large collection of annual vegetable seeds that I am planning to grow in the garden I would love to add far more in the way of perennial vegetables (especially if I get to go back to work in the future) and I would love to rip out a loarge portion of the hedging around the front garden and add plants that will provide a harvest. I have plans at the moment to create a hugel/raised bed on the front garden
lawn just below the patio, which would be great to grow salad in because at least to start with it will be in a much mroe shaded part of the garden having hedges on 3 sides...
I am currently trying to work out where to plant a number of trees/shrubs. My mother bought me a Fig (Brown Turkey), Hazel (Webbs Prize Cobb), Szechuan pepper (Zanthoxylum sp.), Siberian
pea tree (Caragana arborescens) and some Myrtle (Myrtus communis) for Christmas that are still in their pots and I have added Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) and a blackberry (Little Black Prince (Primocane)) to the selection which all need to find somewhere to set down their
*There might also be an Issai Kiwi if my mother chooses to plant it here.
Other than planting the trees/shrubs I think the next most pressing thing in the garden is going to be working out how to increase the water retention in the garden, as growing on sand it can dry out super quickly... So I have bought some clover seeds as well as chamomile and probably
enough sorrel to use it as green manure. I also have borage that I plan to use for eating as well as chop and drop. I have to admit that the lawns here are a)very thin and b)mostly moss so there is little maintenance but also very little in the way of green mulch from them.
I should probably take some photos of the garden before everything starts growing to document what I am starting from now. But any thought, pointers or general comments on the plan, or lack of...