So here's the thing I live about a mile from a
dairy farm, usually I wouldn't be able to hear the cows but since I moved out further back on our property I started hearing the occasional moo. For a few months I thought nothing of it. After a while I noticed that the mooing always was around the same time of day and even at night. I thought that is was a bit odd and the cows
should have been taken inside for the night during the winter. It wasn't until I was working in the garage that I heard a particularly loud moo as if the cow was right outside the building after looking around I realized what was going on.... to my amazement the sounds were coming from inside the garage! I went to investigate amongst the storage bins and sure
enough there was a cow. A plastic fisher price cow. I guess someone had left it in storage with the batteries still in it; its been slowly dying for months but I still hear the occasional moo. The fact that a children's toy can sound so real being muffled through a few bins and walls is crazy, It really sounded like it was a cow off in the distance. I had a good laugh. So if you have a issue with phantom mooing just remember to check the batteries.