Some places need to be wild
“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”
― Voltaire
Michael Helmersson wrote:This post is fun. We have a tractor "road" that we use to access our growing areas and building site(s). One day, when we're done with big projects, I want to replant the road and let the canopy reclose. We have footpaths through the woods to all our areas of activity, so one fine day there'll be no need for roads. Thanks for the nudge to imagine.
Inmate, Natures Asylum, Siskiyou Ward
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jordan barton wrote:have you considered covering the area in 1 foot or so of wood chips? I noticed you said it was shady. Might over time break down into some nice soil. It would also bring the fungal process into play. leave it to some mushrooms to do the work.... Over time leaves will fall on it and it will eventually start to grow into the forest surrounding it.
Some places need to be wild
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