Weeds are just plants with enough surplus will to live to withstand normal levels of gardening!--Alexandra Petri
Denis Huel wrote:Grew up and lived on small grain farm in Southern Saskatchewan where durum was the primary crop. Hardness is a quality characteristic and durum is milled into semolina (small particles) not flour. Anything that reduced the hardness of your grain (weather damage or poor fertility) lowered the price. Grain buyers measured HVK (hard vitreous kernels) and protein level to determine grade.
Yes the awns have a high PITA factor and durum varieties are still awned. In fact it was our job as kids to climb into the combine harvesters at the start of each day to clean the awns that were clogging the grain separating systems of the harvesters. It was a dirty job delegated to the smallest, youngest, bottom of the pecking order member of the harvesting crew. Usually it was me!
The Ternier's at Prairie Garden Seeds sell seed of Wakooma. It was widely grown in southern Saskatchewan in the 70's and 80's. It is a good high quality variety, fairly tall, with long black awns (good for weaving). Modern varieties are very short compared to the old varieties. The old varieties lodged badly (fell over and didn't ripen properly). Durum in general requires a longer and hotter growing season than bread wheat and was only grown in the southern grain growing areas of Saskatchewan.
Your friend isn't always right and your enemy isn't always wrong.
Your friend isn't always right and your enemy isn't always wrong.
Yes, you can have some soft Svevo if you want. Tell me how to go about that. I'm 45 minutes east of Pullman, WA. Higher, colder, overall drier than the Willamette Valley. I'm at 2700 ft elevation. Wheat is grown from Pullman to my place and even a little further east of me, but then it turns into forest land. I'm piecing together what you've said and what Michael wrote... that the Pacific NW is home to soft white wheat, because it grows best there?
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