My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
B Lunaress wrote: I think I'm a right proper witch now.
& for ayone wondering, yes I did get stung several times collecting & hanging these nettles. Nothing major for me to be honest. Minor stings, minor reactions
Haha! I feel that way, too, sometimes! After my kids go to sleep, I go out and harvest dandelions/cleavers/rose petals/whatever for my tea. There's just something about harvesting herbs in the light of the moon that feels all hedge-witchy!
& for anyone wondering, yes I did get stung several times collecting & hanging these nettles. Nothing major for me to be honest. Minor stings, minor reactions
We really lucked out with our property--we have a giant patch of nettles, and I love it! I always put on gloves and use scissors to prevent the stings. They're unpleasant! Though, putting sword fern spores, or plantain, on the stings does help a lot. (There's a BB for a plantain poultice, so you can totally get that one the next time you get stung)
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
- a picture of the dishpan with water
- a picture of the at least 3 gallons of water being used to flush a toilet or water something
- a picture and link to the verifiable biodegradeable dish soap
- OR a 2-minute video of you doing the above and a link to the verifiable biodegradeable dish soap
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Burra Maluca wrote:Why not just buy some washing soda? Then the left-overs can be used to do your laundry, or clean the cooker, or the floor, or the sink, or for your room-mates to experiment with instead of their usual detergent? I'm not sure if anyone has tried the BB with wood ash yet but I have a feeling that would qualify.
I buy it in 1kg bags for not much over a euro and it gets used for all sorts of things. The idea of the BBs is to get you to experiment and educate others as you learn, not to cut corners and try to manipulate the decisions.
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
Nicole Alderman wrote:PEP/SKIP is done entirely by volunteers. Volunteers make the badges, and they certify them. None of us are perfect, and none of us are Paul. I'm actually pretty sure that Paul doesn't like soap, and he might even be okay with certifying the dishwashing BB if someone used just water. But, Paul's a busy man. A really, really busy guy. And we really try to support the volunteers who certify so that they keep certifying.
Nicole Alderman wrote:We're not opposed to improving--in fact, many BBs have changed over time to refine them. But, we're also really swamped with making more BB pages and certifying BBs.
Nicole Alderman wrote:Here's a thread for posting BB refinement ideas: PEP refinement ideas
And here's a thread about about contesting BBs: PEP Court
This one fits with the others, too: Eliminating edge cases
Nicole Alderman wrote:One nice thing about the PEP dishwashing badge bit is that it is now a resource for people looking for biodegradable soap. Since each of the BBs that are certified used a biodegradable soap, those posts are great places to look for a biodegradable soap, and for people to learn more about it.
Nicole Alderman wrote:I personally use Dr Bronner soap. I'm thinking it might be pretty easy and affordable to get a bar of Dr Bronner's soap and use a bit for the dishes and the rest for handwashing. Handwashing soap is just a bit more "fatted" than laundry soap or dishwashing soap, but it still cuts grease and is gentler on the hands. I've learned a lot about soaps here on permies!
Nicole Alderman wrote:Here's some of my favorite threads about soap/dishwashing:
Castile Soap and Build Up
Castile Soap Brands
hot-cure soap recipe from reclaimed oils?
Best Sources for Beginning Soapmakers
Cleaning with water
Can you wash dishes without soap?
graywater with dish soap
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
B Lunaress wrote:
Nicole Alderman wrote:We're not opposed to improving--in fact, many BBs have changed over time to refine them. But, we're also really swamped with making more BB pages and certifying BBs.
I get that. I've read, even before this post, that staff are volunteer-based. That's part of why I asked about whether I could help make BB threads (done one so far, & will be getting to more over time).
B Lunaress wrote:
Nicole Alderman wrote:Here's a thread for posting BB refinement ideas: PEP refinement ideas
And here's a thread about about contesting BBs: PEP Court
This one fits with the others, too: Eliminating edge cases
Thank you for the resources. I was not aware of the BB Refinement thread or Contesting BB thread. Sometimes it can be tricky finding things here, but I'm getting better at it, thanks in large part to the assistance of staff.
B Lunaress wrote:
Nicole Alderman wrote:I personally use Dr Bronner soap. I'm thinking it might be pretty easy and affordable to get a bar of Dr Bronner's soap and use a bit for the dishes and the rest for handwashing. Handwashing soap is just a bit more "fatted" than laundry soap or dishwashing soap, but it still cuts grease and is gentler on the hands. I've learned a lot about soaps here on permies!
Affordable is relative. I think I've mentioned that I lost my job due to the pandemic, & said pandemic has made getting new employment difficult. But On the flip side, it has given me time to create a business, so as soon as that starts yielding returns, I'll probably try out Dr. Bronner's soap. Until then, I'll stick with my local free network for some suitable soap. I know some general information about soap, but I'm not an expert by any means. permies has been teaching me more about it though, as well as a documentary on 13th Century Castle Making (including all the small jobs that support a castle-making workforce in said time period). That documentary is actually where I learned about hardwood ash being used to mix with grease & fat to make soap (apparently, softwood ash does not work).
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
My name is Zylith. I am looking to strengthen my connection to the natural world.|My Permaculture/Homesteading/Self Sufficiency Diary|My Seed Saving/Landracing Diary|The 'What are your favorite types of Isopods? (2022)' poll
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