Lisa Fatima wrote:My mom gave me her cast iron skillet! I love it! In watching all the videos and reading the articles, I've learned alot! The info is fabulous!
The skillet is very smooth on the inside. So I am pretty happy with that, however there is alot of rust on the bottom of the skillet!!! How can I can rid of that, if I don't have a self cleaning oven or a place where I can throw it in a fire!? Fires in apartments, not such a good idea!
I've read as well that you should oil the outside of the pan as well. Will that not catch fire when you turn the stove on to use it again?
Any info you could give me would be really helpful!
Thank you,
Lisa, I would just get a stainless steel wire scrubber (like a billo pad that won't rust) and some olive oil (any oil will do, but try to switch to natural oils unlike things like canola that don't exist in nature). I would put it under the tap (GASP! Didi he say
water and while the water was running, scrub off the rust. Them I'd get it on the burner and get it medium hot. You will have to test your system to figure out at what setting your stove and pan make the oil smoke (don't let it smoke!). Anyway, that's the setting to be just UNDER! Once the pan is hot, while wearing your oven mits, rub the pan down with olive oil inside and out with a rag. It has never flamed for me!
Now, as you use the pan and things get dirty and cakes on the sides, you can run your pan under the tap with the stainless steel wire scrubber and knock off the big chunks. The oil will stay on the pan since water isn't
enough to rinse it off and the scrubber is just running over the surface and knocking off big particles. Once that's done, turn your stove on to the magic setting and heat it up again. Put more olive oil on it and it's ready to go for another week! I usually only have to re-oil the inside where the dirty work was performed, but periodically you might want to do the outside again.
Enjoy that Antique Iron!