posted 2 years ago
Fun watch, I very much enjoyed the soundtrack and details!
Fun story, I walked on over and then into the green house on the coldest day when I was there, a low of -11, high of 7F circa 2/21 if I recall correctly.
It was very nice in the greenhouse at about 12:30 PM, musta been in the mid 60's at least. It was a clear sunny day, but it usually is when it's that cold.
On the critical side, I was struck by how small the space was relative to the dollar count. I'm thinkin, maybe somebody should build a yuge one and make a super abbey out of it? Living quarters in the back!
The next wondering thought at the time, if you did a 4V 5/12 Kruschke dome with the strut 10' length max, all in 4x12"s, could you safely pile enough dirt on top of it to make it was well insulated as this one?
Well that's all gonna depended on the joinery at least
awesome in any case!
Many things last lifetimes or eons, but the only thing that's permanent is the ever-changing flow itself