Brilliant! I've long struggled with not being able to keep safety glasses on due to fogging, especially when wearing a dust mask. Thank you!Scott Lawhead wrote:I frequently wear a face shield when using power tools like saws and grinders. Face shields don’t fog up likes glasses, they’re much harder to lose, and obviously they offer way, way more protection. It also kind of keeps the dust off your face, which I’m sure limits the dust the operator would be breathing.
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer
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Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
Anne Miller wrote:Always let people know where you will be at all times.
We have 40 acres with lots of trees. We could go within a 2-acre range and not be able to see the other person.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:if it can reach a tower. As I understand it, this is required by law in the US and Canada. This could be a lifeline at essentially no cost.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:^^ Excellent comments, James.
Working solo, one tends to adopt a mindful and methodical mindset.
I would add: instead of a flashlight, I find that a lightweight headlamp hanging loosely around the neck, running on low, provides just enough fill lighting to find and do things safely. Rechargeable batteries of course.
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
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