Do you think that god ever feels all alone
His garden which we get to play in
Did he place us here like a gnome
A place to help us sit and go within
I see so many who would like to grandstand
Material possessions which we create
Missing a connection we don’t understand
Other tribes we like to berate
So often we move on to what is new
Tarnishing so many a sacred
Wanting more because our lives are askew
Must sit and hope we understand soon
So often I want to jump in
Something needs a fixin
I should really stop thinkin
That I know how to stop the hurtin
Maybe that simply a reflection of me
Trying to teach me a lesson
Allowing me to see
Go inside and ask for a session
Why I think I know how it should unfold
I’m trying to twist fate
Within I can hear gods message take hold
Most times it’s best to take a breath and wait
Not really knowing you Thea
It boggles my mind
Leaving me with no idea
I’m sure you are probably kind
As I have stated before
I simply can not understand
How in my thoughts and I can not ignore
Are you and it’s nothing I’ve planned
At first I was like a bumbling idiot
Like now still trying to heal an old wound
Thoughts twisted so I seemed like a nut
Playing out of chord needing to be tuned
I have no idea what to say
The only thing I do know
Is that you have to want to walk this way
Allowing something to grow
Many times I get a little overzealous
When I think things might be going my way
I don’t think I could ever be jealous
I’m recalling trying to stay out of the fray
With all of that said
I did state that I didn’t know why
I couldn’t get you out of my head
Bumbling ways make me want to cry
Maybe that coupled with your perception
Of someone who is a little out there
Possibly caught up in some deception
Wishing I didn’t really care
So many ways our are personalities in common
Paths having similar twists and turns
I usually really am a calm one
Preferring to be out amongst the ferns
So many times were our paths so close
Yet never really crossing
You to seek not me to impose
As my mind needs more flossing
As I said I have no idea why, you, I am drawn to
So many fish out there in the sea
This morning, a little early, I’ll go sit in a pew
Hoping somehow my mind can be set free
I understand how a couple others
Must have felt crazed ideas about me
I wish there I could understand this druthers
This morning I’ll ask god to set my mind free
Hoping to no longer seemed crazed
As the other may seem a little hazed
I seem to be star struck and dazed
The other not even fazed
Here I should give it a rest
Letting god and letting go
I’m going to try my best
So many things I’d like to know
That is really the heart of the matter
Understanding why I’m drawn too
Mind filled with so much chatter
Wanting really to know more about you
I no longer want anything superficial
What must be should stir from the deep
I want both to make it official
God I feel like such a creep