Thank you Kathleen and Jeanne for your helpful ideas.
When I started this
thread, part of my intention was to inspire readers to imagine and create their own mini-chuckwagons to celebrate the carefully tended places around the
land under their stewardship. Eating and relaxing outdoors in unlikely picnic spots is an opportunity to savor the
permaculture progress and notice the unexpected changes in the landscape that happen over time.
Some helpful search terms for the
project (in addition to Kathleen's horse-packing kitchen setup) are: diy chuck box, chuck box designs, camp kitchen, camp kitchen box, chuck box on wheels, diy picnic wagon, grill food prep cart or station. Outdoor cooking stations are highly varied depending on terrain, travel distance, and cooking interests.
What’s evolving over here at my place is a combination of a repurposed cabinet and a 2’ x 3’ butcher block top on rugged 8" wheels. The top is about 35 lbs and the travel is within 100’ of the carport on concrete and crusher-packed paths. When not in use, the cabinet is a storage space for some cast iron skillets and outdoor cooking gear. When it’s time to cook, I’ll roll the mobile storage/food prep cart to the herb garden or the fruit
trees or the vegetables then prepare the fresh bounty.
This is a fun custom project that uses up lots of pipes, hooks, carved utensils, old license plates, and other outdoor gear. There is even a place to mount a sun umbrella. The build is funky and functional. The goal is to kick back and enjoy some well-earned rest over the hot summer.
Tonight's garden picnic: sautéed garlic scapes, red pepper and olive oil over pasta with grated parmesan. Thanks to all you Permies for the ongoing inspiration to keep growing and building in the great outdoors.