Welcome Lara to Permies and the Australasian Forum.
Sorry that your first posts cannot be for a much better reason. My sympathies are with you and those around who, no doubt are also struggling.
A single strike solution will probably not work in your habitat/ climate. And yes, as has been mentioned, you will see weed infestations and be careful of the cane toad solution.
You probably have heard the old joke: How do you eat an elephant? A: one bite at a time.......
You have
wood, rotting vegetation displaced animals including snakes and other reptiles that are looking for a new warm hide to over winter, just to start.
Have a look at this discussion:
https://permies.com/t/63618/Check-Swale-Project Part of it includes a wood collection.
Think about working on small areas working from the house out. consider wood swales that will naturally attract fungi, a micro biome and larger predators to eat
mice etc. This will in some way start to define your land. You can also buy innoculant such as oyster
mushrooms and shiitake. These are the guys I use:
https://aussiemushroomsupplies.com.au/ They are very helpful. I would ask them what is the best way to get the spore.
Once the land gets a bit
dryer you could consider getting a chipper or a tracked log mover in but they cost and if your area is like ours at the moment, it will get bogged.
See what you can resurrect in and around the house, plant wise. When the weeds arrive, chop and drop before they go to seed. Be mindful that the weeds in the main are the forest trying to reestablish itself so also look out for seedlings of shrubs and trees you don't want to get established and add to the chop and drop and those you want to keep, mark to keep them from being walked on.
Good luck for the job ahead.