Editor of Ecovillages online newsletter: www.EcovillageNews.org - subscriptions are free!
Author of Creating a Life Together and Finding Community
Editor of Ecovillages online newsletter: www.EcovillageNews.org - subscriptions are free!
Author of Creating a Life Together and Finding Community
Editor of Ecovillages online newsletter: www.EcovillageNews.org - subscriptions are free!
Author of Creating a Life Together and Finding Community
in west virginia now in a small town martinsburg growing lots of veggies.. thank you Jesus
PS: always seeking followers of Jesus
"The eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time."
--- by Terry Tempest Williams, naturalist
"The eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time."
--- by Terry Tempest Williams, naturalist
You can die on the bleachers or you can die on the playing field, but you can't get out of life alive
Diana Leafe Christian wrote: If you have one family owning the land and the rest work exchangers or tenants, you can have a fine community energy going -- but please don't call it a community or an ecovillage, as it will set people up to expect more rights, and to resent you as the Lord of the Manor. But please do know that you'll have high turnover. High turnover may be just fine, too, as long as you thoroughly screen the people who apply to live there (ask for and call references) and you are crystal clear about their rights and responsibilities, and yours.
When people share ownership & decision-making, they have "bought in" emotionally too, and thus stay longer, or just stay there period. When they have neither, they can emotionally afford to be there for awhile and enjoy it, and then move on when other opportunities or adventures beckon. So you can have a fine community-like atmosphere (remember, don't use the C word, or E word) with a variety of lovely (well-screened, well-oriented) folks who stay for a few months or a few years. And every two years or so, a whole different bunch of folks will be there. But that's absolutely OK if you -- and they -- all know all of this in advance.
Queenie Hankinson wrote:--integral to that should be that the community has a waiting list of potential candidates and retain right to buy back and rights of first refusal to a property with the understanding that within the first year, the community can buy back the property for no more than the price paid the year before.
Building community in Port Townsend and Jefferson County. Supporting Nourishing Beloved Community.
George Lafayette wrote:
Queenie Hankinson wrote:--integral to that should be that the community has a waiting list of potential candidates and retain right to buy back and rights of first refusal to a property with the understanding that within the first year, the community can buy back the property for no more than the price paid the year before.
Are there existing communities with waiting lists? I haven't heard of any in years. I would think it would be great, but I haven't seen that kind of real interest.
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
Joshua Myrvaagnes wrote:
George Lafayette wrote:
Queenie Hankinson wrote:--integral to that should be that the community has a waiting list of potential candidates and retain right to buy back and rights of first refusal to a property with the understanding that within the first year, the community can buy back the property for no more than the price paid the year before.
Are there existing communities with waiting lists? I haven't heard of any in years. I would think it would be great, but I haven't seen that kind of real interest.
There are lots of people seeking community. The fact that so many more have been forming in the past 5-10 years (see CDFI for stats) is an indicator. And many more people are out of work and need to sustain themselves in more direct (i.e. growing food) ways; doing that in community is a lot easier and less scary than alone.
Building community in Port Townsend and Jefferson County. Supporting Nourishing Beloved Community.
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
There's no place like But I'll always remember this tiny ad:
Christian Community Building Regenerative Village Seeking Members