Are you going to get little chicks or big chickens?
If you are going to get big chickens, then they can get part of what they need from free-ranging, if there are not too many predators around. This spring you can plant alfalfa, grain, or whatever to make the foraging better.
Back when I free-ranged my chickens, I kept pellets out for them at the hen house. They much preferred to find their own food, but they would fill up any empty corners when they came in to sleep. I figured out one summer that they were eating 25 cents worth of feed for every dozen eggs laid, but that was a good year for bugs.
In the winter they did forage also, but they ate a LOT! of laying pellets because there was not nearly
enough out there to forage. Chickens are
native to the warmer areas of the world, where the summers are longer and so the bugs can be found most of the year. They also like grass, just as we like salad, but their isn't many calories in grass (or salad)