I'm not an expert, so keep that in mind. If you kept the tank filled with
water to above the soil line, I can't believe the soil could collapse it. I think a lot depends on your soil as well. I have heavy clay that simply doesn't exert a lot of pressure sideways. I can dig a hole three feet deep and it won't collapse in with nothing at all in the hole, so I'm sure I could bury that tank and not have a problem. I would put a layer of sand under it so no rocks could poke into it, and probably do the same on the sides if it were feasible. If you have nothing but sand and it can't hold it's form at all if you dig a hole, that might be a different story. Again, I think if you filled the tank with water to the soil level first and then buried it, it would be fine. All that said, I'm not an engineer, so if I were going to try it, I would make sure that if it did somehow collapse, there would be no danger to people or animals.