a few reflection on the caused by brenda groths reflection that cats eat critters.
I have been wondering if you have plenty of
mice do they eat snails and slugs so making themselves very usefull.
Cats can be really destructive to wild life, i remember a documentary about eider duck, if i remember right and cats can just wander round their nests killing chicks and they don't kill them to eat them so the just kill lots and lots of them , i suppose they kill the chicks of other birds that nest on the ground like grouse.
Don't look into the face of a lion and think you see a freind, a bit of wisdom from africa, and john olivers list of stupid people included those who pett tigers.
My house is a mouse safe zone, i wanted it to be one that gives me a bit of hard work in mouse dirt washing up, and causes some raised eyebrows, and strange sounds in the walls.
Lizzards eat the seeds of violetes, i read this is and here it is, just for curiosity value.
Related thought or not very related,. Flies seem to swarm round in the garden if i haven't had a bath, or they walk round plastic table cloths sucking up heaven only knows what. They get all round horses eyes and i thought, how big a peice of food a bit of sleepy dust must be for a fly, so maybe its natural that they fly round you if you have put off your bath, you are more likely to have some bit of sleepy dust or saliver or something stuck on your face that makes a meal for a fly and maybe a bit of
milk dried stuck onto a table cloth that you can hardly see is well worth dissolving it and sucking it up for so small a creature. Maybe if you wash horses eyes the flies would not bother them so.
I started thinking about this seeing a palestinian baby asleep on the ground on a blanket near her parents melon stall in israel when i was more of a traveler before i married and covered in flies and thought, they don't get on to English babies, so i ended up thinking it was baths that were good for keeping flies off people.
I think maybe if you are very permiculture you have the palce full of mice to eat your snails and magpies and long tailed magpies to eat your tent worms though they also eat baby song birds and so on, song birds to eat your insects and all of them cause some damage as well as some bentfit.
I suppose the more insects you have the more you are likely to attract their predators. and so the better
insect control you are likely to get. So welcome all insects to your
land. have your garden full of creepy crawlies and just think how toddlers love whatching insects.
I suppose if you have a barn full of grain you can't have it full of mice, the grain would get smelly.
In England they used to build barns with a hole in the wall of their barns for the owls to come in through, so they could live in the barn and eat mice. Of
course the more poisons and pesticides and such you have the less owls and mice, animals that get killed by poisons and the pesticides in the insects they eat. Without natural predators is to be using more chemicals and increasing the possiblity of getting cancer. agri
rose macaskie.