When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
-Avatar Aang
Skyler Weber wrote:
-Plant in the bed of the swale. If you are not watering then you MUST do earthworks, either a swale or zai hole. I regularly water the few trees around the house that cannot be in a swale. The other benefit of planting in a swale is that the digging process kills the grass. Trees struggle if they are planted into grass.
-Use mycroizhal fungi and compost tea at planting. I have no idea if it works or not, but I do it anyway. According to the research the fungus will extend the range of roots.
-Use rocks and mulch.
-Cheap plastic tree sleeve. Provides more humidity, wind protection and sun block. Right... and it keeps out the animals
-Plant in trios or pairs with the pioneer/hardy/nitrogen fixing species to the west or south of the less hardy tree. The pioneer tree grows faster and provides coverage for the other tree. There is about a foot between these trees.
-Plant in high numbers.
-plant irises, comfrey, and jerusalem artichoke around trees to protect against tunneling animals.
-Sow a living ground cover of sunflowers, millet, alfalfa, yellow blossom clover, sainfoin, and vetch. This shades the soil and provides nitrogen. If it gets too high, then I chop it and feed it back to the trees.
Betty G.
Skyler Weber wrote:
Secondly, I leave the sleeves on in all seasons. In summer, the trees need the additional humidity and wind protection that the sleeves provide. Everything to include weeds grow better inside the sleeve. The only time to take them off is when the tree is too tall for the sleeve. You can then upgrade to a larger wire mesh cage, or get extremely energetic dogs to chase deer. I prefer the dogs.
Betty G.
Skyler Weber wrote:-Plant in high numbers.
He's dead Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his wallet and this tiny ad:
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