I've been doing a couple batches a year in a big multi-purpose pit. We have had a bunch of pine trees knocked over in storms and falling branches accumulate all year. I use the logs for
hugelkultur, garden beds, or other projects, but the branches eventually build up to a certain point and when there is time and the weather is right I get the hose out and make a batch.
So far each time I get 3-4 wheelbarrows full. Over the last few years I've done maybe 5 or 6 batches, and spread most of it to around 3000 sq ft. of garden space. I'll add most of the batch to a
compost pile, and spread it from there. It seems to be making a difference, although I can't say to what extent. Our soil seems to be improving steadily in texture, moisture holding, and plants seem to respond well to the compost.