Here at Wheaton Labs, we currently have just too many houseplants. There are aloe, succulents, and spider plants that need a new home. Care to take one? They're free to a good home.
I'm planning to be in Missoula in the Community Room of Natural Grocers (corner of 3rd & Reserve) to meet this Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon for your plant adoption needs (provided I'm not snowed-in).
No background check required!
No forms filled-in by hand in triplicate!
No follow-up years later to provide proof that the spider plant has completely crowded-out all your other houseplants and small children!
Please comment here or send me a PM to let me know if you're interested. Thanks!
Here are some of the house plants that Paul and I sorted out yesterday. Please save them from the grim future of becoming compost...!
I can have a plant wrapped with damp paper towels and in a baggie for you. I have limited terra cotta pots also available, but it's best if you BYOP (Bring Your Own Pot) or take it home and put it in a pot as soon as possible.
Please comment in this thread or send me a PM should you be interested. Thanks!
Hi Stephen;
A great idea to share houseplants! Really bad timing on Mother Nature's part of your plan!
With a high of -3 F and a low of -21F, on Friday your poor plants will be in some serious shock.
Friday the 19th is predicted to be +33F and +26 as a low...
If it were me, I would delay for a week.
Best of luck rehoming your plants!
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