There is nothing permanent in a culture dependent on such temporaries as civilization.
Len Ovens wrote:The one thing I would find interesting is climate information and how that is reflected in the choices made. I understand he does not want to make the video seem local, but rather more universal... however, living here on the "wet coast" I suspect I would need to worry more about too much water at least some of the time. The idea of looking for property with "useless parts" was good though.
Matt Ferrall wrote:Have not seen but any methodology applied universally will have issues.Hopefully a personal relationship with the nature of ones own landscape is stressed over following a template.
in west virginia now in a small town martinsburg growing lots of veggies.. thank you Jesus
PS: always seeking followers of Jesus
Kevin's offshoot of PEX:
Kevin Wilson wrote:One thing that struck me as Geoff worked with the existing watercourses was that there is legislation here (BC) which restricts doing *anything* near a stream, even a seasonal one.
- Pancake
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