Good morning! I made onion dosas and
apple chutney! They came out awesome!
Day 22
And Jen sawed a tree that we’ll be using at Allerton Abbey!
We loaded up the log that Jen cut into Ranger Doug! And we loaded up another log, too! We're adding two logs onto the floor of Allerton Abbey so that we can start working on making a third
cob floor in the building.
The whitewash in Allerton Abbey is starting to look nicer, as it is appearing to get to be more fully white and not as splotchy There are a few issues with texturing. We're aiming for as smooth of a wall as possible, but that's kinda challenging to do.
I did some whitewashing today- mostly touch-up work to make things look better. There's a certain technique to applying the white wash that's gentle and quiet. I can tell when I am applying the whitewash gently enough, because I the sound of the brush strokes becomes very faint. One of the main reasons for applying the whitewash gently is so that the earlier/lower layers of whitewash don't get brushed off before they have time to harden and become more stable. After whitewashing, we worked on making more cob!
Jen did some great work today on leveling and smoothing the tops of the logs that will be placed into part of the floor of Allerton Abbey!
I've decided that I'm going to let the mashed sweet potato mixture ferment 72 hours and the black beans soak 72 hours. I think they could use a little bit more time with the weather getting a bit colder.
I'm thinking about doing something like this
semi-raw fermented bread pudding with the muffins that I made, so that they perhaps have an even yummier second-life! The muffins weren't bad, but yes, I do think they were a little blander than I would have hoped for. So far, the dosa recipes seem to be appealing to more people!
I went ahead and made it! I broke apart the sourdough muffins and added coconut
milk, APC vinegar, tapioca starch, banana, plums, apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, and lemon extract. I'll let the pudding sit for 24 hours, and then, I will chill it before it gets served.