I just stumbled across your
project thread, and have really enjoyed seeing what you have been able to do with your place. It looks beautiful.
You asked for ideas on improving your set-up, and I wonder if you have considered Paul's idea to set up temporary fencing to let your hens forage in different parts of your acre for a week or two and then move them? Alternately, perhaps the
chicken house could be placed adjoining your kitchen garden, so you walk through the garden and pull a few weeds or greens to throw the
chickens, collect the eggs, and walk back through the garden to pick a few veggies for the day? Then, their run could be set-up in 2 or more sections so they could forage out onto the
swale and
berm areas to pick up some of the greens, grit, and grub one writer said we need to supply chickens. Maybe you could sow some kind of cover crop/poultry forage in the swale on one side, for them to forage, then move to another spot? So even if you still have to provide the grain, at least they can meet some of their own needs. At the same time, it could reduce your time and
energy in walking out to take care of the chickens, so you can get on with your other projects! I understand, though, with dry conditions it is hard to get anything to grow, which is why I suggest planting in a swale or slightly depressed area that might hold
water longer. If you can plant something like mulberries or Siberian
pea shrub in or overhanging the
chicken run, eventually they might be able to supply some of your
I'm still trying to figure out how to do some of these same things at my place, so I appreciate you sharing the challenges and methods you are using to turn problems into solutions. It gives a lot of food for thought.