Jim Garlits wrote:Congrats and welcome to Permies! Is the land closer to your homestead than the community garden plots? It sounds like it could end up being a great thing for you. I have so may questions but I don't want to inundate you. As Liv stated, keep us updated. That way it can be an ongoing conversation based on what is actually going on.
Thanks for the welcome! The land is probably the same distance as the majority of the plots, but our plots are scattered all around the
city so it was a PITA to work them last year. It was a lot of "Did you
water at xyz garden?" "no,
should I have?" "dammit, we haven't been there in a few days, I'll go tomorrow."
Ask away! I find that when more experienced people ask me questions, I learn a lot about what I'm supposed to know.
The farmer we're leasing from grows differently than we plan to, which is fine. He's known for his sweet corn, so he's pretty set in his ways. I do agree that he has the best sweet corn in town, and he's in his 70s. I'm pretty grateful that he's still up and at it. He's going to plow the field for us, and if we plant in a way that makes sense for his equipment, he'll do some of our weeding as well. He's a very generous landlord, and we're planning to give him a share of what we grow.