Sounds like energy healing to me too.
There's as many energy healing practices as there are rocks on the road.
As for a Hawaiian healing practice, there is something called Hoʻoponopono.
"Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that focusses the energies of forgiveness, love and gratitude into those areas of our being where we are holding on to memories that are no longer serving us. "
"All that is required is the sounding of the four-line mantra, the Ho’oponopono prayer, with heartfelt sincerity:
I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You, Thank you.”
Another more broadly known healing modality is Reiki, but that is traditionally a Japanese tradition. The Americanized version is a bit like Karate where it's not learned properly. It's not as risky to receive energy healing from 'initiated' American Reiki practitioners since the healing modality is fundamentally about channeling energy through your body, being a conduit for the healing essentially.
Aside from that there are traditional tribal practices that do energy work for healing that are at the
root of all cultures, from what I've understood, but can't speak to that personally.
For deeper wounds such as broken bones it's rare to find an energy worker skilled
enough to do something like that and there's a good amount of caution necessary since it's rife with malintent or malpractice.
Good luck on your search!