Mike Daniel : Welcome to Permies.com, and a big welcome to the Rocket
Stoves Mass
Heaters Forum, your forum
thread made an interesting read, I had to work out
what you wanted to do to write this up, we like people who think outside the box, that is where we do our best learning and get new ideas !
I had to think a little outside the box to get you your
answer! No this will not work, the job of the barrel is to radiate off
enough heat to cool the exhaust gases to the point that they
cool and fall, it is the combination of the rapid rise of and equally fast fall of the Hot exhaust gases that allows the Push me - Pull you miracle that allows theRocket Mass Heater to
Work !
The concrete will not allow the heat to be radiated off fast enough to allow this to continue to happen it will fail dramatically Creating smoke, and smoke back everywhere !
Concrete is a poor material to use, the heat would destroy it on the level of its chemical bonds and the Concrete will also fail mechanically as it expands and contracts it will crack!
Insulating the inside of the concrete will not work because that will also stop the heat radiation that must occur here !
With a more conventional build, you still will be pyrolyzing 60% of the
wood turning it into
greenhouse gases to get a remainder in charcoal, or if you run your R.M.H. to produce the
heat to pyrolyze a separate batch of wood into charcoal you will have in effect pyrolyzed the 1st batch, turned that charcoal into hot exhaust gases and then thrown away the heat
energy in 60% of the wood in your retort !
Good Luck ! Big Al !