Ahhhh... Got distracted by the
landrace thread link 🤓 tagged for reading during the long winter evenings.
I'll send you some of my home saved Raatviksaart and Bijou mangetout peas. Originally from RealSeeds, grown
side by side here in the Kyle of Sutherland for 5 years now. No mixing of their own volition yet, but I gather there's some manual action I could undertake, haven't gotten round to looking up what.
They're great peas as they are though too. The rosakrone looks... Enviable! Yes, I want it. I've been trying to grow beans, and skimped on the
pea varieties because they'd hog the space. But maybe I should just admit that phaseolus vulgaris is not made for Scotland (yet!!) and give the peas a bit more leuve.
I've spastically tried to keep my broad beans separate for all this time 🤣🤣 Feels very silly now that I've realized that landrace is a thing (thé thing?). So not mixed, but a miraculous crimson flowered survivor of several years of hardship and
voles. I'll sow it with sutton dwarf and my field bean survivors and hope for beautiful love babies. Short, pink, early and tasty. Although the field beans were a bit slow, so the early may have to become a separate project at some point...
Not home bred, basically because the packet was so huge I kept putting it off, but 2 types of runner beans from Franchi in Italy. The whites were a bit sceptical, but did ok. The red ones were quite resilient to our windy site and did really well.
We have interesting soil that dries out really quickly, but the atmosphere/air is quite damp and rarely very sunny.
I've discovered a patch of what must be self-sown parsnips in a difficult corner of the garden. Sown at least two years ago and given up on as an utter failure. But now there's new parsnips coming up there 🤔 it'll need some work, but promising for next year's seed.
Back soon!