If you could spread the word somehow that you need certain materials and ask that stuff be donated rather than taken to the tip? Our
local tip is quite small- services a town of only a couple of thousand people- and a lot of people were using it as a source of supplies. I personally brought home loads of fencing material, machinery, old tools, timber, fire
wood, roofing iron, tons of pipe and other scrap steel- it was my only sourse of wrought iron for repurposing in the forge. All above board- I'd gather what I wanted, take it to the man at the office and show him, he'd do some figuring in his head and say something like twenty bucks sound OK? Yep. And now, after encouraging us all to be good citizens and recycle and
reuse, they've banned the taking of any materials from the tip- it gets crushed and shipped off to China. Try advertising locally- what's the worst that could happen?