Donna and others interested in getting together this fall.
Thanks for the reply. Rich Hill is about 1400. It is in a recently declared Enterprise Zone on both sides of I-49. So there are opportunities for people with good ideas
and means to implement them. I have a few paw-paw seeds and I will get some of the
local pecans . There are several areas where the growers take advantage of pecans ability to survive on flood plains. They also do well as
yard trees.
If someone wants to dig them, there is a clump of hardy bamboo that has slowly grown out of the yard and onto the street verge just a block from my place.
Since my first invitation I have been thinking more about logistics. A few tents could be pitched in my front yard and I can put a porta-potty in one of my outbuildings. with my outside hydrant and a
rocket stove some could stay here. Say....If many want to stay I might be able to get permission from my neighbor for several tents in his empty field if we rent a pota-john or two!
So here is a repeat; You are invited to visit here in Rich Hill On November 2 The main get-together will be between 10 am and 4 pm on Saturday..